April 1st has been and gone, the anticipated activity has been suspiciously absent...
You may have heard about the latest virus on the internet, Conficker. Known by a few other names depending on your preferred computer security vendor, the virus has been making a lot of IT support staff nervous for several weeks. Analysis of the virus had shown that on April 1st a new variant, or new piece of code would be downloaded to infected machine, but to what end?
Speculation has been rife as to the purpose of Conficker, which for the most part is sitting dormant on infected pc's.
One thing is for sure, you can be protected against Conficker and a lot of other threats by maintaining your pc, using up to date anti virus programs and making sure your operating system is fully patched.
If your unsure of how to check your protection, please give us a call. Alternatively have a look through the links of the right hand side for some more information.