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News Article:

Well Done Robert Pearman awarded Small Business Server MVP for second year!

Congratulations to Robert Pearman on being awarded MVP Status (Most Valued Professional) by Microsoft for Small Business Server for a second consequtive year

This prestigious award is only give to a very select few. Robert is now 1 of only 2 to be awarded this in the UK. This is the second year that Robert has been giving this award.

Robert is our Senior Engineer here at IT Authority and we are proud to have him head our support team.

“The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Robert’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you.

With fewer than 5,000 awarded worldwide, Microsoft MVPs represent a highly select group of experts”

Richard Kaplan – Corporate Vice President, Customer and Partner Advocacy, Microsoft Corporation.

Robert commented “I am more than proud to say i have been re-awarded as a Microsoft MVP for Small Business Server.”

On a personal note: Robert is also well known to our clients and all agree he does an outstanding job.

I have watched Robert continually work hard at developing his skills whilst taking time to help others along the way. This recognition is well deserved.

Author: Paul Howes

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